Atlantic Insurance Group Resources:
At Atlantic Insurance Group, we’re firm believers in “knowledge is power.” We hope you’ll take a moment and explore the resources provided below. We look forward to the privilege to work with you to tailor an insurance program that truly meets your needs and provides you with sound coverage and peace of mind.
There are currently 8 names in this directory beginning with the letter I.
Impaired RisksIn health insurance, individuals who can reasonably be expected to have an above-average number of claims due to medical history or physical impairment. Most impaired risks can be insured by use of a waiver or waiting period.
IndemnityRestoration to the victim of a loss by payment, repair or replacement.
Independent AdjusterA claims adjuster who provides adjustment services to insurance companies for a fee but is not employed by them.
InsurabilityThe condition of the individual wishing to be insured, including his/her health, susceptibility to injury and life expectancy.
Insurance PolicyThe printed form which serves as the contract between an insurer and an insured.
InsuredThe person or organization covered by an insurance policy.
InsurerThe insurance company. The party that provides insurance coverage, typically through a contract of insurance.
Irrevocable BeneficiaryA named beneficiary whose rights to life insurance policy proceeds are vested and cannot be canceled by the policy owner unless the beneficiary consents.